follow ashley on instagram @ogyogini AND @infinitesourceyoga

follow ashley on instagram @ogyogini AND @infinitesourceyoga
Funky Pinchmayurasana with scorpion variaton.

Ashley is available for private yoga & dance. Reach her by email at


Praise it

Praise it



Thursday, April 16, 2015

Blog about my experience at Envision festival!

Envision a healing 
And it will arrive.
I promised a blog after the incredible experience of  teaching at The Envision festival in the jungle of Costa Rica! So "Mars in Taurus" of me for it to take more than 2 months so be inspired to get techy. Venus came into Gemini which I also have in my chart so I feel communicating about the earth to the  wombyn is being supported by the spirit!
Upon arrival to the festival we met Meghan Currie for the first time and immediately vibed high. We had an amazing dinner together and that night we shared space outside my tent surrounded by seashells and candles. We spoke intimately and I fell in love.
I was blessed by Rachel Brathen to be given this opportunity to teach as she wrote the Envision people, suggesting I was one of her friends and teachers (takes a strong woman to honor another teacher in this way... She is truth) and that I was already in Costa Rica so they should have me teach at the festival! Wow! That was so kind Rachel! The classes were prayerful and spiritually fulfilling. I felt zero pressure to conform and I could really let spirit speak. I will never forget the kindness extended to me by Rachel, for this opportunity. Biggest Namaha! 
The girls had a beautiful time with the other children, we love sleeping on the Earth and waking up to friends and sunshine. Eating fruit with goddess tribe under the palm trees feels so right. I have always wanted to be on the festival circuit and even more so now with the children. I love the complex social structures children form when given the outlet and space to do so. The tiny tribe fascinates me. Rachel's class at the festival was amazing and Meghan's too! I loved Sofia and especially my main man Kaypacha who I ran into 4 auspicious times! Once at sunset, where we hugged and planned a retreat together for this December. Constant pinching and it's still happening!
The weekend was especially healing for me because I have taught for so many years and really hadn't been honored the way the sisters honored me here. Infinite source yoga taught at it's first international festival and it happened to be in my favorite element, the jungle! Of course there were parts of the experience that weren't blissful but learning curves. I hurt my knee a little the last day, so symbolic!!! Teaching with an injured knee might normally be scene as a disadvantage but the moon in cancer that day (and my moon in cancer) and the injury helped me tap into the deeper wisdom I have learned through healing my knee from 2 surgeries. The small injury took me into my third eye and heart and truth in a deeper way that wasn't present the day before. I stayed in my tent that morning, had a cry and deeply myofascialed my thigh muscle to release the pain. I used noni plant tincture (ice tree) to reduce inflammation and felt really grateful for my usually happy knees. My voice came thru more because my body felt limited. The hidden blessings of injury are always there when I feel more closely. I really felt loved and supported by the yogis of the world this weekend. I watched gorgeous tribe people commune with each other. I felt the jungle and the rich soil of Costa Rica dancing in my cells, mama ocean rippling through my fear. All the humans that made contact with my being that weekend, I bow infinitely to you. I love you! 
The last night, I was missing their dad after 9 weeks of contemplating our relationship. I thought our flight to 
LA was 2 days away and wondered what time it was at. I opened the email at 10:30 at nite to see 
my flight was the next day at 10:30 am! We were 5 plus hours away and I was laying in my tent icing my knee with 2 sleeping angels. 
I Ariesed it. Lol. Starting packing and gently limping my things through the jungle...People started joining in... Maybe 7 people joined in carrying all of my things to the front where we caught a cab. I returned the camp gear and held 2 babies on my chest for a 4 hr bumpy van ride to San Jose. We arrived at sunrise and made our flight. To the sisters who tied the dream catcher bracelet on my wrist as I left the festival it just broke so that cycle has been completed. Thank you for the witchy rad ending/new beginning.
I also got to chill with Andrea Price Yoga who is amazing! There was so much joy and beauty here. Naked people of all shapes and sizes! Tribe and great vibes! Envision is Eco friendly and you had to 
bring your own dishes or rent them from the venue! This pleases my earth mama warrior greatly! Composts were everywhere and fresh coconuts for the sipping. If you get a chance to get to the Envision Festival in this life it's an OG recommend.
Loving you! 
P.s I will answer any questions about this on insta! Hit me up! Xo
P.s yes I did consider staying but my soul has unfinished business in the US right now! Pura vida in my H