follow ashley on instagram @ogyogini AND @infinitesourceyoga

follow ashley on instagram @ogyogini AND @infinitesourceyoga
Funky Pinchmayurasana with scorpion variaton.

Ashley is available for private yoga & dance. Reach her by email at


Praise it

Praise it



Thursday, September 1, 2011

Operation Shanti

Come help us build an Orphanage in Mysore India. This is a tangible event that you can be a part of! We can even go to India to see the orphanage we helped build. All you have to do is show up with a small donation. If you can't make the event, tell people about it, or donate anyway. 
I'm so looking forward to seeing all my yogi friends. Lets get together and make a change. 
bless you!!
